

Here you will find the location of the speed detection devices and devices for detecting traffic light infractions

Medium speed

S.P. ex S.S. 617 Bronese(discontinued)

direction Pavia up to km 4+030 – Speed limit: 50 km/h

Serial number device:

• Varco A serial number n° AH0222H

• Varco B serial number n° AH0223H


Calibration certificates:

LAT 255 CT-VM-22-0061 released by Engine s.r.l. on 26-07-2022



Trafficking measurement certificate:

LAT 255 CT-D-20-0003 released by Engine s.r.l. on 03-08-2020


Approval system:

Executive Decree n° 4018 of 21-06-2017

Executive Decree n° 4671 of 28-07-2016


Report on the early-stage functionality verification

Functionality verification of 29-07-2022



direction Broni up to km 5+210 – Speed limit: 50 km/h

Serial number device:

• Varco A1 serial number n° AH0220H

• Varco B1 serial number n° AH0221H


Calibration certificates:

LAT 255 CT-VM-22-0060 released by Engine s.r.l. on 26-07-2022



Trafficking measurement certificate:

LAT 255 CT-D-20-0004 released by Engine s.r.l. on 03-08-2020


Approval system:

Executive Decree n° 4018 of 21-06-2017

Executive Decree n° 4671 of 28-07-2016


Report on the early-stage functionality verification

Functionality verification of 29-07-2022


S.P. ex S.S. 412 della Val Tidone

Direction Lodi from km 15+896 up to km 17+218 – Speed limit: 70 km/h

Serial number device:

• 467-535 

Calibration certificates:

LAT 101 P388_2024_ACCR_VX realesed by TESI S.r.l. on 13/06/2024

Trafficking measurement certificate:

LAT 101 J411_2022_ACCR_VX released by TESI S.r.l. on 27-06-2022

Approval system:

Executive decree n° 5240 of 31-08-2017

Report on the early-stage functionality verification

Functionality verification of 29-07-2022

Direction Milano from km 17+157 up to km 15+831 – Speed limit: 70 km/h

Serial number device:

• 527 – 528

Calibration certificates:

LAT 101 P389_2024_ACCR_VX released by TESI S.r.l. on data 13/06/2024

Trafficking measurement certificate:

LAT 101 J412_2022_ACCR_VX released by TESI S.r.l. on 27-06-2022

Approval system:

Executive decree n° 5240 of 31-08-2017

Report on the early-stage functionality verification

Functionality verification of 29-07-2022

S.S. 617 Bronese

Instantaneous speed

S.P. ex S.S. 596 dei Cairoli km 13+432
S.P. ex S.S. 596 dei Cairoli km 2+945
S.P. 205 Vigentina km 4+750